Enter Your Slogan Here: Lorem Ipsum Semblar un Simplificat Quam un Skeptic!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007



  1. 2 lb of beef
  2. 20 pieces of shallots
  3. 10 pieces of garlic
  4. 150 gram red chili pepper
  5. 50 gram ginger
  6. 60 gr turmeric
  7. 300 gr candle nut
  8. 5 pieces of bay leaves
  9. 8 cups of thick coconut milk
  10. 8 cups of thin coconut milk
or just coconut milk =)


  • Cut beef into several-bite sized pieces, and boil until half done (or well done)
  • Skin shallots, garlic, and mix with chili, ...
  • Brown this spice mix for a few minutes
  • Boil beef and this spice mix in the thin coconut milk
  • Put in salam (you should know what it is ;))
  • Boil until dry
  • Add thick coconut milk, boil until coconut milk dries while mixing it occassionally

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